ifk Research Fellowships are intended for...
postdoctoral researchers. Qualified applications can be submitted regardless of the nationality and institutional or professional affiliation of the applicant. Austrian applicants with comparable qualifications are given preference.
ifk Research Fellowships include...
an expense allowance of max. €2,387 monthly (€ 77/per day) as well as a workspace at the ifk with an iMac and internet access. For Fellows with a proper residence outside Vienna, the one-off arrival and departure costs to and from Vienna and a rent allowance are covered. Costs for health and social insurance are not covered by the ifk.
Research fellowships are awarded for an academic semester (1 October to 31 January or 1 March to 30 June).
Applications can be submitted either in German or English
Required documents
In addition to the completed online application form (you will find the link here once the next application process has started), you must upload the following documents as ONE merged PDF at the end of the online application
> Cover Sheet with your academic title, name and departmental as well as institutional affilitation.
> Short abstract of your project (max. 1.000 characters incl. blanks)
> Research proposal (max. 1,200 words, incl. footnotes, excl. bibliography)
> Core bibliography relevant to your research project (1 page max.)
> Academic curriculum vitae/list of publications (5 pages max.)
Pleas note: An application as a Research Fellow excludes a parallel application as a Senior Fellow!
The call for applications for the academic year 2026/27 (1 October 2026 to 30 June 2027) is open from 5 May until 6 July 2025.