In coordination with the Science Department (MA 7) of the City of Vienna, the ifk invites visiting scientists who are expected to make a special contribution to Vienna as a center of science.
It is not possible to apply for this fellowship, but will be selected by the ifk after successful submission of a motion for a Research or Senior Fellowship.
Previous Stadt Wien ifk Fellows (Selection)
Sven Reichardt, Professor, Fachbereich Geschichte, Universität KonstanzMichal Kopeček, Senior Researcher, Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of SciencesAlys George, Assistant Professor, Department of German Studies, Stanford UniversityDavid Shankland, Director, Royal Anthropological Institute, LondonLena Dražić, Independent Researcher, MusicologyAbigail Susik, Associate Professor, Department of Art History, Willamette University OregonBettina Brandt, Teaching Professor, German and Jewish Studies, Pennsylvania State UniversityAris Fioretos, Schriftsteller und Professor, Institutionen för Kultur och Lärande, Södertörns Högskola, StockholmÖGSKOLA, STOCKHOLMEsther Kilchmann, Independent Researcher, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft, HamburgJan Fellerer, 2021, Associate Professor of non-russian slavonic languages, University of Oxford