Transcultural Translation: Potentials and Limits within Participative Knowledge Production on Alternative Development in Palestine
Klaudia Rottenschlager’s dissertation takes a transcultural view of how participative knowledge production on alternative Palestinian development can be archived within the Austrian development cooperation project known as Rooting Development in the Palestinian Context. In focusing on hegemonic power relations between the global north and south, she draws attention to the importance of acknowledging Palestinian production of its own research agendas, methodologies, and epistemologies on alternative development that challenge tendencies that appropriate, neutralize, and depoliticize Palestinian development. She is particularly interested in the potentials and limits of transcultural translation that shed light on the historical, political, and socio-cultural contexts in which the project is situated. The meaning of untranslatability, in particular, within participative knowledge production between Palestinians and actors from different geopolitical positions will also be further elaborated.
Klaudia Rottenschlager is a doctoral candidate in the University of Vienna Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology. She received her diploma in cultural and social anthropology in 2012, writing her thesis on non-violent forms of resistance by Palestinian shepherds against expulsion in the South Hebron Hills/Palestine. Her research interests include post-colonial and decolonial theory and research methods, anthropology of violence, conflict and human rights, gender studies, migration studies, historic and current dynamics of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and transformation processes in the MENA region. She currently works as an assistant at the APPEAR (Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education and Research Development) project "Conflict, Participation and Development in Palestine" and is an active member of the interdisciplinary research cluster Conflict and Development at the University of Vienna Department of Development Studies.
with Noura Kamal und Eva Kössner (eds.), "Past—Present— Fieldwork: Anthropological Contributions at the Intersection of Memory, Power, and Culture," Conference Report, Vienna Anthropology Days 2013, Austrian Studies in Social Anthropology Special Issue (2014), Vienna, p. 37; with Katrin Gleirscher, Katrin Oberndorfer, and Daniela Pertl, "Frauenbewegungen in Palästina – ein Wissenstransfer jenseits eurozentrischer Repräsentationen?" in: Frauensolidarität 123.1 (2013), Vienna, pp. 14-15.
„Ein Projekt des transkulturellen Übersetzens ist an der Analyse von Hegemonie interessiert“ (Encarnación G. Rodríguez 2008). Klaudia Rottenschlager behandelt in ihrem Vortrag die Möglichkeiten/Unmöglichkeiten der partizipativen Wissensproduktion innerhalb eines Hochschulkooperationsprojekts zwischen Österreich und Palästina sowie palästinensischen Communitys im Libanon und in Jordanien.