
Robert L. Rotenberg
ifk Senior Fellow

Duration of fellowship
01. October 2001 bis 31. January 2002

Metropolitanism and the Transformation of Urban Space in Nineteenth Century Colonial Metropoles


The project shall demonstrate that the nineteenth century movement of metropolitanism was a transnational attempt to rebuild and re-imagine cities in a bourgeois image and through a capitalist process of investment. This movement began with the attempt by wealthy residents of imperial metropoles to remake their cities in ways that created greater social distance between themselves and their colonies, both the external and the internal ones. It explores how a discourse with specific urban content can engender a movement that revolutionizes people's view of the city. The analysis points toward a revitalization of this movement in the present moment of global transformations, suggesting that the reshaping urban social organization and urban institutions through transnational processes are not new.


Professor of Anthropology and International Studies, DePaul University (Chicago)


Neben zahlreichen Publikationen im Bereich der Kultur- und Stadtgeschichte der Wiener in American Anthropology, City and Society, und Ethnohistory erschienen die Monographien Time and Order in Metropolitan Vienna: A Seizure of Schedules (Smithsonian Institution Press 1992); Landscape and Power in Metropolitan Vienna (Johns Hopkins University Press 1995).