
Tagung Science Fiction and our Futures: Vortrag von Daniel Syrovy

Daniel Syrovy Vortrag von Daniel Syrovy "Language Puzzles and Puzzling Languages: Conlangs and Communication in Recent SF"

Daniel Syrovy holds the position of a Senior Lecturer at the University of Vienna, where he studied Comparative Literature and has been teaching and researching since 2008. His publications focus mainly on Early Modern narrative in Europe, specifically the genre of the chivalric romance, touching upon questions of genre conventions, seriality, materiality, translation, cultural transfer, and fan culture (and its connections with phenomena of contemporary ‘genre’ literature). His PhD thesis, Tilting at Tradition: Problems of Genre in the Novels of Miguel de Cervantes and Charles Sorel was published in 2013.   Vortragsmitschnitt vom 2.12.2020