Dr. Katharina Müller is a FWF Elise-Richter-fellow as part of her project "Visual History of LGBTIQ+ in Austria and Beyond: Preserving and Curating Queer Ephemeral Media Spaces in an Age of Datafication" (https://kunstuni-linz.at/Visual-History-of-LGBTIQ-in-Austria-and.20373.0.html). She is head of the Research, Education and Publications Department of the Austrian Film Museum. Since 2011 lecturer of Film, Media and Cultural Studies at the Universities of Vienna, St. Gallen (HSG) and Salzburg / Mozarteum (W&K) as well as at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. 2011 to 2013 DOC fellow of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), 2014 PhD on the relationship between cinema and "nation" (monograph Haneke – Keine Biografie). Conceptual works for film festivals, including Diagonale - Festival of Austrian Film. Her research and teaching at the Film Museum focuses on Film Curatorship and Artistic Research, recent projects: Amateurinnen* and Vienna Queerstories. She works as a curator of various retrospectives, most recently La lotta non è ancora finita - Feminist Cinema from Italy and Ulrike Ottinger (both 2022). In collaboration with Claus Philipp, she most recently published the experimental volume Picturing Austrian Cinema (2022) with Spector Books.