Rivka Feldhay
ifk Visiting Fellow

Zeitraum des Fellowships:
01. Oktober 1994 bis 15. Dezember 1994

The Educational Program of the Jesuits (esp. Austrian and German) / Jesuit Ballet as a System of Representation


In order to narrate the history of the Jesuit educational program as a chapter of the scientific revolution I shall attempt to develop some conceptual tools for comparing between competing discourses interacting in the same cultural field. In the second half of the 16th century the Jesuits gained a central position in an existing cultural field which they tended to re-structure in accordance with their values and specific interests. My reconstruction of the various discourses within that field will be done in terms of three categories: 1) The strategies used in the constitution of phenomena as objects of scientific discourse; 2) The ways the boundaries of discourse were constructed, and 3) The type of authority claimed for speakers within a certain discourse.


Senior Lecturer at the Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas, Tel-Aviv University.


Recent pulications: After Merton : Catholic and Protestant Science in the 17th Century. In the Series Science in Context. (with Y. Elkana) Cambridge University Press, 1989. A Feminine Midrash . In: Theory and Criticism No. 2, 1992. Galileo and the Church: Political Inquisition or Critical Dialogue? Cambridge University Press, in press.